Start Date: January
Location: Atlantic Police Academy
Length: 32 Weeks
Credential: Accelerated Diploma, Police Constable
Program Availability: Winter 2026 Term
Canadian Applicants: Closed
International Applicants with a Valid Holland College Study Permit: N/A
Other International Applicants: N/A
Please note: You must be a Canadian citizen or have Canadian permanent resident status to apply for this program.
The fall program starts in July on-line. In August, cadets start the in-person portion of their training.
If you are interested in the July 2025 intake, select Fall 2025 as your intended start date when you apply.
The winter program starts in January on-line. In February, cadets start the in-person portion of their training. If you are interested in the January 2026 intake, select Winter 2026 as your intended start date when you apply.
Due to the highly competitive nature of the program and limited seats it is strongly recommended that applicants for the July 2025 and January 2026 intakes seek sponsorship from a police agency in the Atlantic Provinces. Agency sponsored applicants will have priority. Please contact your local Police Agency regarding sponsorship opportunities.
Admission into the program is a highly competitive process and applicants who are sponsored by a police agency in the Atlantic Provinces are given preference. Currently there are two pathways for acceptance:
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police now accepts graduates from the Atlantic Police Academy’s Police Science (Cadet) program. To join the RCMP, graduates must pass a medical examination, obtain an RCMP Security Clearance and pass an interview. Before their first posting as an RCMP officer, they will participate in a short training course instead of taking the force’s 26-week course.
In this video, Coach Corey Arsenault tells you what to expect and how to prepare before you get here!
English version Version française
Upon successful completion of the Police Science (Cadet) program at the Atlantic Police Academy, graduates will:
This program has degree pathways, giving you the opportunity to receive credit for your Holland College diploma when you continue your education. For a complete list of agreements, visit the Degree Pathways page.
Partner Institution | Credential | Details of Agreement |
Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia | Bachelor of Arts Community Studies | Graduates receive up to 36 credit hours toward a Bachelor of Arts Community Studies degree. |
Columbia Southern University, Orange Beach, Alabama, U.S.A. | Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration | Graduates with a are granted 27 credits toward a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration |
Charles Sturt University, New South Wales, Australia | Bachelor of Policing | Graduates who have completed two years of services as a police officer (and currently employed) receive the equivalent of 14 subject credit toward a Bachelor of Policing degree. This is an online program. |
University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I. | Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) | Graduates receive up to 45 credit hours credit toward a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) degree. |
University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, P.E.I. | Bachelor of Science (Psychology) | Graduates receive up to 45 credit hours toward a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) degree. |
For more application information, read this Police Memo. (This is a PDF and will open in a new window.)
Tuition, fees, and other costs are listed in Canadian dollars.
Fees are Program Based
32 Weeks |
Tuition | $20,468 |
Fees | $11,837* |
Other Costs | See note below cost breakdown |
Total | $32,305 |
*Includes lease of body armour, and mandatory residence fees and meal plan.
Tuition & Fees |
32 Weeks |
Tuition | $20,468 |
Student Union | $178 |
Health Insurance Fee | $470 |
Books | $600 |
Lab Fees | $300 |
Uniform | $2,100 |
Dry Cleaning | $120 |
Body Armour (Lease) | $730 |
Accommodations/Meal Plan | $6,819 |
Additional Courses | $420 |
Graduation Fee | $100 |
Total | $32,305 |
1st installment due January 6, 2025 | $22,071 |
2nd installment due May 25, 2025 | $10,234 |
Cadets will be informed of additional equipment requirements in their entrance packages.
This program prepares graduates to work in police agencies as police constables and in other related fields of law enforcement and security.
Many Holland College programs have degree pathway agreements with other post-secondary institutions. You can receive credit for your Holland College diploma toward a university degree or other post-graduate credential, saving you time and money! Find out more on the Degree Pathways page.
Course Code:SAFE-1005
An overview of the Occupational Health and Safety Act of Prince Edward Island. Students examine the legislation, how PEI employees are protected while on the job and the responsibilities of employees and employers.
Credit Value:0
Course Code:CRES-1000
Participants learn to use the Crisis Intervention and De-escalation (CID) Model and apply techniques to effectively de-escalate crisis situations, specifically those incidents involving intervention in a mental health crisis. This blended course consists of online learning activities through the Canadian Police Knowledge Network (CPKN), classroom training, as well as scenario based training.
Credit Value:1
Course Code:POLSC-1001
This course examines the history and development of Canadian criminal law, and prepares officers to effectively use the Criminal Code in the execution of their duties. Students explore a variety of legal topics directly related to policing, including; the Canadian court structure, police authorities, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as well as civil liabilities. A significant portion of this course is delivered in the form of live, interactive, reality-based scenarios.
Credit Value:6
Course Code:POLSC-1012
This course is designed to provide students with a variety of traffic services related skills. Students learn to operate approved screening devices as well as how to gather evidence and articulate the signs of impairment. Students learn to use speed measurement devices, and how to safely perform routine vehicle stops where the level of risk is unknown. In addition, students learn the proper procedures to manually direct traffic in a variety of situations. Throughout the course, students must demonstrate an understanding of common provincial, municipal, and criminal laws as they relate to various traffic services.
Credit Value:3
Course Code:POLSC-1022
Students are introduced to the discipline of social psychology with an emphasis on practical issues in policing. Students learn to apply basic concepts including the biological basis of behaviour, perception, learning, motivation and theories of personality. Emphasis is placed on the causes and consequences of human behaviour, including abnormal behaviour. Students are prepared to deal with many situations and social phenomena which they may encounter in policing. Techniques and strategies to deal with verbal crisis interventions, suicide prevention/intervention, gangs and cults are also covered.
Credit Value:6
Course Code:POLSC-1031
This course discusses the components of a criminal investigation, its goals and basic functions. Students examine the characteristics of a crime, protection of the crime scene, and how to effectively conduct an investigation. A significant portion of this course is delivered in the form of live, interactive, reality-based scenarios.
Credit Value:5
Course Code:POLSC-1036
This course provides students with the driving skills required for an officer both on and off duty. This course covers defensive driving skills, multi-tasking, controlled responses, skid control techniques, emergency avoidance/stopping techniques, and cornering techniques. Students experience techniques for pursuit driving including when to discontinue a pursuit, as well as procedures for completing high-risk vehicle stops.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:POLSC-1044
This course is designed to enhance written and verbal communication skills used in the police profession. Students learn how to effectively use a notebook to document relevant observations and information, as well as how to obtain admissible and warned statements for investigations. Students gain experience completing common investigative and court disclosure reports, forms and release documents, are introduced to the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC), and gain experience providing court testimony through a mock trial.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:POLSC-1046
Occupational Health and Safety is an important topic on both a professional and personal level. Today's officers must be able interact with various occupational health and public safety agencies and are required to be familiar with their roles in differing emergency or non-emergency responses. Learn the roles of various agencies in Occupational Health and Safety, as well as the importance of workplace and personal health and wellness for police officers.
Credit Value:1
Course Code:POLSC-1057
This course introduces students to the professional tactics and intervention measures used to control situations encountered by police officers, with an emphasis on officer and public safety. Police officers are expected to both verbally and physically intervene and control the outcome of a variety of situations. In this course, students demonstrate proficiency in the application of their intervention, defusing, and situation control skills by implementing various aspects of a current use of force model. Students practice using the appropriate verbal requests, directions, commands, techniques, equipment, and weapons during the various interventions.
Credit Value:7
Course Code:POLSC-1060
This course is designed to provide students with practical scenario-based activities that simulate the full range of subject behaviours and officer responses that are encountered in the field. Students gain experience responding to calls for service with an emphasis on public and police officer safety, de-escalation, and decision-making as they learn to apply the National Use of Force Framework. Legal articulation of the intervention level used, and report writing are re-enforced in this course.
Credit Value:1
Course Code:POLSC-1066
This course incorporates firearms safety, marksmanship and tactical training. Following the entry-level safety training, students proceed to skills development and tactical development. Students must qualify at each stage before proceeding to the next. Standard police issue firearms (pistols and rifles) are utilized in the live fire training portion of this course. Additionally, students are familiarized with the patrol carbine.
Credit Value:4
Course Code:POLSC-1067
This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to rapidly deploy an appropriate response to stop violent offenders during active threat incidents, both indoors and out, including movements in and around police vehicles.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:POLSC-1070
This course is designed to prepare students for the rigors of the police profession and the various physical tests that police departments require of their officers and applicants. This course encourages and challenges students to lead an exemplary police officer lifestyle through rigorous inspections of their daily routines and habits such as those related to dress, deportment, cleanliness, image, fitness, and nutrition.
Credit Value:2
Course Code:POLSC-1075
On the Job Training (OJT) provides the opportunity for the student to be sworn in as an active member of a bonafide police force. The student officer will be under the supervision of a training officer and will be involved in regular duties with that officer. As the training officer observes the student's performance in a variety of real world situations, observed competencies will be measured during evaluations.
Credit Value:10
Course Code:PROF-1050
The purpose of this course is to examine and practice ethical and professional behaviors to prepare students for making ethical choices during their time at the academy and in their professional public safety careers. Students are required to produce and follow a personal code of ethics, work as a team, and to exhibit behaviors and values that are consistent with the expectations of the profession and the public.
Credit Value:1