Welcome and congratulations on your acceptance into the Medical Support Services (MSS) program in the Charlottetown Centre of the Prince of Wales Campus. You are about to begin a very exciting and busy new chapter of your life. The following information will help you prepare for your first semester. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to meeting you in September!
For other important dates, please consult the academic calendar.
Typist (Not a bookstore purchase. Instructions will be provided during course orientation). |
Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy Development – Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced (MEDS-1050, 1060, 1160) Document Management (MEDS-1015) |
September Year 1 Required in Years 1 and 2 |
Personal Development for Life and Work, 10th edition, Masters and WallaceISBN: 978-0-538-45023-2 |
Professional and Personal Development (PROF-1045) |
September Year 1 |
Microsoft Office 365, 2022 Edition with Cirrus 2.0 for Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint(Physical code card + physical text)ISBN: 9798765712474 |
Computer Applications (COMP-1200) |
September Year 1 |
Health Unit Coordinating, 7th edition, by Gillingham and SeibelISBN: 978-1-4557-0720-1 |
HUC I and II (MEDS-1185) |
December Year 1 Required in Years 1 and 2 |
Medical Terminology: A Living Language, 8th edition with MyMedicalTerminologyLab access by Fremgen and FruchtISBN: 9780135365748 |
Medical Terminology and Anatomy I, II, and III (MEDS-1020, 1120, 1125) Medical Transcription I and II (MEDS-1175, 1180) |
September Year 1 Required in Years 1 and 2 |
Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary, 30th edition, ElsevierISBN: 978-0-3235-5493-0 |
Medical Terminology and Anatomy I, II, and III (MEDS-1020, 1120, 1125) Medical Transcription I and II (MEDS-1175, 1180) Document Management (MEDS-1015) |
September Required in Years 1 and 2 |
Filing Made Easy: A Filing Simulation by Holmes and ConwayISBN: 978-0-0281-3831-2 |
Document Management (MEDS-1015) |
December Year 1 |
Canadian Business English, 8 Ed. with MindTapISBN: 9781774740361 |
Grammar and Editing (ENGL-1001) |
December Year 1 |
Plunkett’s Procedures for the Medical Administrative Assistant by Ramsay and RutherfordISBN: 978-1-77172-196-7 |
Medical Office Procedures I and II (MEDS-1030, 1110) Medical Office Billing and Scheduling (MEDS-1185) Document Management (MEDS-1015) |
September Year 1 Required in Years 1 and 2 |
Participant Pack for Personality Dimensions Workshop |
Medical Office Procedures I (MEDS-1030) |
October Year 1 |
**Please do not purchase second-year books until second year as they are subject to change** |
AHDI Book of Style & Standards for Clinical Documentation 4th edition, by AHDIISBN: 978-0-935229-64-6 |
Medical Transcription I and II (MEDS-1175, 1180) Pharmacological Terms and References (MEDS-1140) |
September Year 2 |
Pharmacology for Canadian Medical Office Workers, (Custom Solution), Holland, Adams, Brice, LeBlancISBN: 9781323953914 |
Pharmacological Terms and References (MEDS-1140) Medical Transcription II (MEDS-1180) |
September Year 2 |
Required Item |
Reason Required |
Date Required |
Uniforms/scrubs and/or office appropriate attire |
For program & on-the-job training
*Program dress code will be reviewed during program orientation. |
September Year 1 |
White sneakers (or as little color as possible) or nursing shoes and/or office appropriate shoes |
September Year 1 |
Index cards and individual binder rings |
Used in medical terminology, HUC, and pharmacology courses as a learning/teaching tool. |
September Year 1 |
Combination lock (no keyed locks, please) |
For assigned lockers in program area. |
September Year 1 |
Headset (good quality with USB or straight plug; noise cancelling is required; ear buds without over-the-head design are discouraged) |
Headsets will be used for coursework and testing in many courses. Noise cancelling increases your ability to hear to the course content and testing audio files. It also prevents you from disrupting your classmates during sessions where audio files are used.
* Wireless headsets will not work in our lab atmosphere |
September Year 1 |
Stand-alone calculator (calculator on cell phone is not acceptable) |
For use in medical office procedures and other course work. |
October Year 1 |
Subject binders, dividers, and tabs, lined paper, English dictionary, pens, pencils, erasers, and other educational supplies |
Binders work best for adding handouts and keeping your work for each class organized. Tabs will be added to reference materials to assist in learning activities. |
September Year 1 |
Heather Ramsay, Learning Manager
Email Heather
Tanya Harper, Learning Manager
Email Tanya
Juliana MacEwen, Learning Manager
Email Juliana
Wynter Arsenault, Lab Assistant
Email Wynter
Rachel Batchilder, Program Manager
Room 209, Charlottetown Centre
Tel: 902-566-9672
Email Rachel
Barb Boss, Administrative Support
Room 209E, Charlottetown Centre
Tel: 902-566-9564
Email Barb
Michele Duckworth, Administrative Support
Room 209, CAST
Tel: 902-566-9554
Email Michelle