Congratulations on being accepted into the Construction Technology and Management program!
It's a major decision to enroll in a two-year program and we admire people like you, who are willing to invest in themselves in such a meaningful way. The construction industry in Prince Edward Island and Canada is considerable and the demand for people with skills and experience is quite high.
By enrolling in the Construction Technology and Management program, you are preparing yourself for entry into an industry that should lead to many employment opportunities and pathways for advancement; particularly as older members of the industry retire and create vacancies for new members.
Sometimes students are a bit anxious about entering an academic environment where everything is new to them, but rest assured that your instructors and other staff here at Holland College are well prepared to help ensure that your experience will be enjoyable, productive, and rewarding.
First-year students begin Semester 1 of the program on September 3rd, 2024. Most of this day will be focused on orientation and it will be an opportunity for you to meet your instructors, learn about the program, and become familiar with the Prince of Wales Campus. Attendance is mandatory.
For other important dates, consult the academic calendar.
Canadian Carpentry, 6th ed.
Koel, Leonard
American Technical Publishers
1st year/ 1st semester |
Construction Materials, Methods and Techniques, 4th ed.
William Spence/Eva Kultermann
Delmar, Cengage Learning
2nd year 3rd semester |
Walker’s Building Estimator, 33rd ed.
Walker, Frank R.
Frank R. Walker Co.
1st/2nd 2nd semester and 4th semester |
Construction Jobsite Management
William R. Mincks & Hal Johnston
Delmar, Cengage Learning
2nd year 4th semester |
Basic Technical Mathematics With Calculus 11th ed. |
Allyn J Washington, Michelle Boué,
Richard Evans, Elizabeth Fabbroni Martin
Pearson Ed.
ISBN-10: 0135309476 |
1st Year 1st semester |
Survey Field Book
Norman Wade Co.
N/A |
1st/2nd 1st semester and 3rd semester |
Practical Law of Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience, 4th ed.
Brian M. Samuels, Doug R. Sanders
Pearson-Prentice Hall
ISBN-13: 9780136931171
2nd Year 4th semester |
If you have any questions about the program, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Terry McKenna - Instructor
Email Terry
Phone: 902-566-9346