Holland College will develop and deliver 12 microcredentials this year with more than $2.2 million of funding through the Canadian Colleges for Resilient Recovery, Holland College President Dr. Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald announced today.
Canadian Colleges for a Resilient Recovery (C2R2) is a coalition of colleges, cégeps, institutes and polytechnics from across Canada working together to lead the transition to a clean economy. C2R2 was established with a vision to build back better from the COVID-19 crisis. Colleges are uniquely positioned to quickly develop thousands of training and research opportunities to help Canadians access good jobs, support the transition to the low carbon economy, and foster inclusion, diversity, and equity.
C2R2 members include Algonquin College, British Colombia Institute of Technology, Cégep Rimouski, Cégep of Shawinigan, Holland College, Mohawk College, NSCC, Okanagan College, RRC Polytech, Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, Seneca, SAIT, Yukon University and Humber. The Government of Canada is investing $46.5 million into C2R2 through the Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program. Led by Mohawk College, the coalition will focus on developing demand driven workforce training solutions for a net-zero emissions economy.
Microcredentials are formal certifications that recognize the achievement of one or more specific skills, competencies, or learning outcomes, which are identified by industry sectors to meet specific employer needs. Typically short in duration and offered in a more flexible format, they may be offered face-to-face, distance, or in a blended learning format. They may be additional, alternate, or complementary to a traditional formal qualification such as a certificate, diploma, degree, applied degree, or post-graduate certificate.
"Holland College has been recognized as a leader in the development and delivery of high-quality competency-based microcredentials in partnership with industry for many years. Now, as part of C2R2, we will expand our offerings to support the economy and the workforce demands of Prince Edward Island." ~ Holland College President Dr. Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald
Holland College is signing two Memorandums of Understanding, one with UPEI’s School of Climate Change & Adaptation and the other with Dalhousie’s Faculty of Agriculture. These institutional partnerships will offer valuable knowledge exchange and collaboration toward the development and delivery of microcredentials supporting a clean economy.
The college is also collaborating with Abegweit First Nation to develop a microcredential entitled, “Indigenous Leadership for Renewable Energy”. This training will support Indigenous communities across the country, but specifically Abegweit, with the knowledge and skill development essential to their continued growth and commitment to a greener economy.
In this picture: (L-R) Holland College President Dr. Sandy MacDonald; Hon. Heath MacDonald; Andrea McKenna, Executive Director of the East Prince Agri-Environment Association; Holland College Vice President Doug Currie; and Tyrone Paul, Director of Natural Resources for Abegweit First Nations, at a recent event highlighting Holland College’s C2R2 activities.
For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Monday, June 05, 2023