Holland College | College launches digital viewbook
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College launches digital viewbook

Prospective students can now create their own personalized digital viewbook on the Holland College website. The viewbook is the publication that provides prospective students with information about programs, activities, scholarships and awards, residences, student supports, and other information pertaining to attending Holland College.

The new digital viewbook allows students to customize and edit the information they receive about Holland College and share it with family and friends. They can also use the viewbook to contact a recruitment officer, to continue along their pathway to applying, or they can download and print it. All this can be done on their phone or other mobile device.

In the past, Holland College would print several thousand viewbooks for distribution at schools and at open houses. The new digital viewbook is much more environmentally friendly, ensures that prospective students see the information that is relevant to them, and can update the information at any time.

Holland College Registrar Lornie Hughes said the viewbook also allows the college’s recruiters to connect with prospective students to help them narrow down their programs of interest and to answer any questions they may have.

“The digital viewbook gives us valuable insights into the interests of each and every prospective student, which enables us to understand their needs and to ensure that their experience selecting their post-secondary program is enjoyable,” he said.

Anyone can create a viewbook free of charge by following the link on the Holland College website or by going directly to customviewbook.hollandcollege.com.

In this picture: Victoria MacInnis, Vice President of Administration and Communication for the Holland College Student Union, and Holland College President Dr. Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald, look over the digital viewbook the college recently launched.

For more information about this release, please contact:
Sara Underwood, Media and Communications Officer
Tel: 902-566-9695
Date: Friday, November 05, 2021