Holland College | College announces significant new award for trades programs
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College announces new award for trades programs

Students aspiring to careers in the trades have an exciting new opportunity available to them at Holland College thanks to a significant gift from The W. Garfield Weston Foundation.

The W. Garfield Weston Awards of Excellence for Aspiring Tradespeople will be distributed to 10 deserving Prince Edward Island students entering the first year of any of Holland College’s trades programs.  Recipients will receive a $2,000 credit toward their Holland College tuition and a $2,500 stipend, which can be used either for tuition or living expenses. Recipients who are enrolled in two-year programs will also be eligible to renew the $4,500 award the second year of their program.

“Holland College is extremely grateful to The W. Garfield Weston Foundation for leading this commendable initiative in support of students in the trades,” said College President Dr. Brian McMillan. “This partnership with Holland College will go a long way in helping promising tradespeople realize their goals while supporting the human resource needs of industry.”

“We are delighted to be supporting talented students at Holland College to undertake training that will enable them to pursue fulfilling careers,” said Eliza Mitchell, Director of The W. Garfield Weston Foundation.

Students entering the Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul Technology, Automotive Technology, Carpentry, Commercial Diving, Electrical Technology, Electromechanical Technology, Energy Systems Engineering Technology, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology, Heritage Retrofit Carpentry, Plumbing, Power Engineering, Precision Machinist, Steamfitting Pipefitting, Welding Fabrication, Welding Level 1, Wind Turbine Technician, or Wood Manufacturing Cabinetmaking programs are eligible.  The deadline is May 15 annually.

For complete details, visit http://hollandcollege.com/admissions/money%20matters/award-detail.php?award_id=370

For more information about this release, please contact:
Jo-Ann Campbell-Boutilier, Executive Director - College Advancement and the Holland College Foundation
Tel: 902-629-4273
Date: Monday, January 12, 2015